- Replaces bucket elevators
- Transports products with particle sizes from 300 mesh to 3/4" diameter
- Lift heights range from 8 ft. to 300 ft.
- H.P. varies according to the height of the lift
- Bulk density may range from 2 lbs/ft³ to 300 lbs/ft³
- Handles capacities up to 250 TPH
- Excellent track record with abrasive hot-friable materials to 1000°F
- Conveys extremely abrasive materials
- Carbon black systems
- Feed chute may be circular or rectangular in section
- Alternative mountings available for fluidizer
- Fluidizer and riser air are supplied from a single source
- Air operated - uses plant air or a dedicated blower
- Small footprint
- Easy to install
- Practically no maintenance required
- No moving parts
- Flexible machine with a variety of loading and discharging applications
- Totally enclosed, dust free operation
- Proven track record - 30 years of operation
- Bulk Bag or SuperSac (pdf)
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